Sunday, 31 January 2016

Firefox Privacy Campaign - An unexpected Event

  Before Event

On 31st January myself and Prasanth attended a Google event at Web2all company where we fortunately got 45 minutes time which we wanted to put it into a good use ..

we actually started discussing about the privacy issues that we are facing right now ..
Which somehow we got the attention of others .Then we thought sharing about privacy to all, with this precious time was an excellent idea .

Resources used

One laptap

Topics we discussed

  • Privacy and security
  • Light beam
  • Phishing
  • Http vs Https

During Event
Prasanth showed up with the power point presentation which he used in his college then he gave a start with what is privacy and Light beam.while i spoke it some real time Examples like Facebook ,Google and how these data are being used by Third party websites and gave a gist of how it would be to have someone's details without their knowledge. I related how the small industry could be affected by these information they track.

About Participants

There were 12 participants excluding us.
The participants are from Startup background and from other colleges.

 Our Achievement

We were able to inspire two students to sign up for FSA program.

Our Special Thanks to Mr.Senthil

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Creating A Web App

Creating a app goes through these phases

  1. creating a App Manifest
  1. serve the manifest with web app
  1. Appify the code
  1. Validate the markup
  1. Publlish the app


  "name": "My App",
  "description": "My elevator pitch goes here",
  "launch_path": "/index.html",
  "icons": {
    "512": "/img/icon-512.png",
    "128": "/img/icon-128.png"
  "developer": {
    "name": "Your name or organization",
    "url": ""
  "default_locale": "en",
  "chrome": { "navigation": true }
Explanation for each steps
step 1 literally signifies the Manifest Sample part where you provide details about the
 Developers name and the details about the App and it has a extension called as .webapp

Here are for API


var tel = navigator.mozsms //creating object


sms.send('12345677','Hello') //Sending to system
sms.OnReceived = function(event) // Reply from the Telephone

step 2 Serve the manifest with the app, it more like the coding path where you use HTML CSS and JS 

Step 3 it says that the app must fit into all type of the screen thereby giving the app look 

Step 4 Validating the markup in this case it is HTML 

Step 5 Finally pushing the app into the market place.

  The app should consists of 

The app can be uploaded as website else it can be zipped
The Os first looks into the manifest then it goes through the given path

For more details check out the firefox developers Blog

All about October Office Hour_ Dive into Firefox OS part 1

It has been quite a time where Mozilla choose Firefox OS to IOT rather than for it to be for smartphone..Mean while lets take a privilege on knowing how the Mozilla is working with the Firefox OS..

Here i begin with the text form of office hour conducted in October

Things to be known before you contribute to the Firefox

  1. Architecture
  2. Web application
  3. Debugging and validation
  4. testing 
  5. Publishing
This thing should be understood before you start with the web application 
there are three layers  
  • GONK -Low level Linux Kernel
  • GECKO- application run time i.e rendering engine
  • GAIA- Front end
*GECKO is similar to the feature in firefox browser

After a long time.....

This event on November 19 2015 came up with short notice however i was able to make it in time, it was good to know we still have space to collaborate  we were given swags at the end of the event Gowtham helped with the terms in focus to the area of contribution it was quite a good valuable time spent as a FSA.The event is focusing on enabling people to contribute to Mozilla Firefox projects. Agenda, 1. Top projects in Mozilla 2. How to contribute 3. What is track productionAfter this we created a task force in which i found my place in Programming(I am not a geek in it).